Elevator pitch

Most company owners only like to have high positive turnover for their company and other ones love to have happy employees. But the most successful company owners are the one that have both of these points together, happy employees and high sales turnover. This is why I’m standing right next to you today. Hallo my name is Julius Hernandez and I’m the owner of Alliance Incentive Planner (AIC). And my work is to make your company become to next happy place to be, and helping your turnover to be higher than ever, and everything is as easier as counting from 1, 2, 3. By introducing my Luxe incentives package to your company employees making them feel proud of what they do and how to receive something nice for it. Thank you for your time and if interested you can just follow me on twitter or LinkedIn. I just want to leave you with one thought happy employees, are productive employees, productive employees means higher turnover. Thank you for your time.


Online Headhunting –-> Bas Westland

The last lecture for the whole social media master-class experience was an unforgettable one, especially because it shows us how powerful a social media network can be. Mr. Bas Westland is specialized in the online headhunting game. He taught us how to come across any individual using online social media network quoting him “is all about the second line of your network” in order to find the specific person you might be looking for.

During his lecture he was applying some ways how to find a person online through the use of quotes and so in Google search. The world has become a small place to live in an through leaving digital footprints nobody is unknown any more. Is kind of scary if you see it a psychotic way of a hacker or so, because people’s information are easily traceable to find and may be use in not so good way. But if you’re an HR in a company this matter of looking for person before asking him/her to come for a personal meeting can be in an advantage for you, because the work is all ready done before meeting the right person for the job. By only going through his digital footprints a person might already perceived the interest of another person. So in a way the social media network has become more of a game than a business matter. It is just the way you go through life using social media networks can make the image of your personal self. So if in any case you want to have a good image there a different sorts of methods used, for making you more attractive in the use of social media in order to connect to any future jobs or so. It’s kind of cool of how everything is becoming so easy for everybody these days.



Police 2.0 –-> Marco Leeuwerink

When I talk about the police force of the Netherlands, I can only think about straight forward, trained individuals that are always out there working hard in order serve and protect the country of the Netherlands. But because today’s world is becoming so increasingly dangerous and big, there has to be ways in order for the police force to stay in contact with individual cases they cannot always be there for everything. That is was today we receiver a lecture from Mr. Marco Leeuwerink about their amazing way of using social media networks to help them with different cases. Using the old type of medium channels like press releases and so are only the past. Now a day everything is done by the minute through different use of media networks.

One of their ideas that caught my attention was the use of publicizing video’s of different criminal cases online, specially on YouTube. This in my point of view is a great way of reaching big amount of people in a couple of minutes. But at the other hand it might work against them too, because there has to be a law out there than protects criminals about publicizing videos of their act for the world to see. The police force of the Netherlands as far as I know they are pretty advance with staying in contact with the individuals through social media network, and it is a great idea, and I do believe that other countries around the world should take these idea’s into consideration. There many of way of finding help from individuals through the use of social media. And the good thing is that if they want they can even stay anonymous. It is just one step away to the future of police force in the world. We should all become a Charlie cop!!!

At the end of the lecture Mr. Leeuwerink made us solve a case through the use of social media, and I was surprised on how many ideas were discussed from the students. You could really see that we are the “generation social savvy” because of all the great ideas that was exposed in order to help police man “Charlie” to solve the case.





Change Management –-> Toine Pijnenburg

Today the 27th of January, 2011, I received one of the best lectures of the whole two weeks of Social Media master-class. Why is that? Well it is because this lecture took a whole different approach than other lectures. Mr. Toin Pijnenburg owner of XXL implementation for web 2.0 knew how to reach us with his way of lecturing. The first thing that caught my attention was when he described how the generation has evolved through the years in to more media savvy’s, and that is a true thing to say. Because we as the generation Y are the ones that grew up almost with a media device in our hands, we are more tacit knowledgeable in order of that we are the teachers and mentor for the other generations. To fill this part is a funny way to put it, because it was me who taught my parents to use Facebook, MSN and other communication medium in order to stay in contact with them from across the world. And now days they still call me when they are stuck or so with something that has to be related with the computer use.

During his lecture he spotted another good point which was that each company or individual has to dream big, if they want to become big. And here is where he presented to us the BHAG theory (the BIG HAIRY AUDICIUOS GOAL) meaning that “it encourages companies to define visionary goals that are more strategic and emotionally compelling.” This will be something that I will never forget. Even through my years in the future I know I will use one day or another. I’m saying this because some day I will have my own company were I will developed a spefic product on my island of Aruba, and my goal will be to make it as big as Coca Cola is for the United States of America and the Heineken is for the Netherlands. I will make a great name for my company and product, my BHAG.

When the lecture was done, I was satisfied with Mr. Pijnenburg way of reaching us, with his nice way of delivering his points across by using modern tacit knowledge to get through to us. He left me with one quote in my mind:  “when the winds of change are blowing some will build a shelter and others will be building windmills” old Chinese proverb. Meaning that companies has to be always be adapting to changes through time if they want to succeed.


Social Media and internal communication –> Wilco Turnhout

Today’s lecture of the Master-class of Social media was presented by Mr. Wilco Turnhout, and it was about the use of Social Media and internal communication.

His whole believe is that social media has to be in internally in a company in order to have a more efficient and fast communication between departments. He introduced three main points were:

  • Using social media within the company is a new way of communication
  • Ideas cannot be stolen via social media because you can always look back who said what.
  • Social media is a very efficient way to communicate to a lot of people. E.g. reacting to a status update will be followed by a lot of people.

As true as all of these points can be, I still believe that the use of social network within a company is the most efficient way to go with. If it is a multi-corporation company, than I can see the whole use of social media network in use, for the branch directors or so, for when traveling and so. But to be use just for employees and so, it may be very distracting. Especially if you’re a company that has to have many things done by a day, and still have to be continuously on the use of one of the social media network will be just waste of time for some employees.

Another point his “how can the use of the social media network can be controlled”? Cause it can be use between departments and so, but still there will be employees that will be more interested in what their friends are doing at that specific moment than what one of the company department has to say on anything.  So there will be so more irrelevant posts or status that will just be filling the department social media network than for it use. And again it will just give more unnecessary work for other department. Especially the IT department will be continuously on the watch for any sort of miss usage of information.

The use of a social media network in not a bad idea, it can be very useful in hard cases when connecting with employees or during major company crisis. But it has to be controlled and continuously monitored, because there will always be a savvy one that will find a way to miss use the network.


PR and corp. reputation man. –> Alex Matatula

Today’s lecture was on how to revive your company during hard times, which was the whole point of Mr. Alex Matatula.  A young and dynamic guy owner of No Linea Marketing (Marketing without boundaries) came in front of us to lecture about how to always believe in your company during hard and soft times, and how to deal with any big crashes in business world and how to give your company the best image in a really fast way through the use of social media network.

This lecture to me was really interesting especially because he was explaining some important points on what to do with PR to keep your reputation as a good company or organization during hard times. One main point of his lecture was “determine the soul of the company by: 1. Purpose

2. Perspective

3. Position.

And as a company you always have to be preparing to deal with major complaints, negative post, accusations that can ruin your reputation as great company. I believe that in the viral world everything bad act of an individual cab be retraced and turned around 360 degrees if you always know where you as a company wants to stand.

In 2005 there was this big miss happened on my island of Aruba, I’m writing about the missing case of Natalee Holloway, which in one night was vanished and since today there has been no trace what so ever in her case. My whole point of this case was in the way the island of Aruba dealt with this traumatizing case, especially because the island economy is hard supported by tourism. And there was a major boycott done by the USA, and there was some major accusation and bad post on the Aruba online website, but through good communication media network after  a couple of years Aruba was able to revive this whole case, by continuously getting good reputation from other people through different other network site. So my whole point is that through great connection you always have to leave the people own attack the case in a silent more way, but still by being proactive on different networks.



Personal Brand –> Boris van der Ham

On the 24th of January 2011, I was present at the lecture of Master-class of social media of Mr. Boris van der Ham. This individual is a very online socially active politician. And he is a proud owner of his own political party website. Which in my idea is a very intelligent move for future politician to take into account. The first example he gave about using social media network in order to reach voters out there was Barack Obama in the presidential election of the United States in 2010. This was one perfect move that President Barack Obama did. The mindset of Boris van der Ham is a really good approach in order to get out there to the new generation of voters by using online network sites to reach his voters. Like he was expressing during his lecture one big turn down that was bringing them down during elections was the amount of money that has to be used in order to get voters to know your party. But he knew what to do and what approach to use in order to get his point of view out there without spending a big amount of money. One main thing he said that I think was really good was that when he started his own political website he did his whole website really messy in order to have the audience out there to comment on some of his work, and by doing his website messy he knew they individuals will not be afraid to comment, but if it was looking more professional people will be afraid to comment on it, or even afraid to ask question. His whole goal that he was going to was to create many contacts possible, but still personal connection is always better to reach an individual mindset.

Having an online political site is always a good thing to do, if you are trying to promote your own political party, because now a day’s individuals around the world amore online actively. But I believe that this approach may be taken into the wrong side of some individuals specially individuals that are not so savvy with the use of online network sites. Because they will be harder to reach, and some other people may think other of a political party, because of the way the website is made.






So here we go…!!!

Two weeks has gone by, and by now my knowledge and willing of Social media network has grew more in to an interest.

That is why today i started my own blog in order to express my own thoughts to the online world.

Me, myself is not too interested into reading or writing these blogs, better yet set I’m not into this whole writing thing. but there is always a first time for everything you never know this might caught up to my standards and become a side past time for me. Example right now it is really cold outside and I’m just lying back with my cup of coffee and hearing some John Mayer tunes and watching my best of friends play their videogames. so instead of doing nothing with my time, I’m expressing my thoughts to this whole concept of starting a blog.

But you never know it may become something fun.

Well back to what has happened during the two weeks that just passed! We had 2 week of intense Social Media Master class which to tell the truth was interesting, but at the same time boring and time consuming. There were different lectures which some of them were really informative and interesting and some other was just not so informative. the whole idea that i got into my head from all these lecture was that we as individuals are not able anymore to decide if we want to participate or not to be socially online active, it is just a case of you have to be socially online active if not it’s penalty or so. So what actually happened to my idea of not leaving any digital footprint?? By not wanted to be on any of those social media network sites?? That is my thought on this topic, it’s just that I’m not interested, but more of I always loved my life to be private. But like I wrote earlier “there is always a first time for everything” and maybe after sometimes I will become more into it…

Well let’s see how this goes..

Peace out!! 🙂